Programs & Services
“Online Training Courses for E+ Youth Workers” started from the a small research we made, we had some internal and external meetings and we discovered that some NGO-s have a specific challenge, no proper tools available to train youth workers in youth programs, when they need and in a flexible way, not only when some courses appear.
Through open and innovative practices in digital area such as of gamification of learning or Open Educational Resources we aim to achieve relevant and high quality skills and competences. Our proposed activities will promote quality youth work through 10 innovative approaches, among them being ETS model of competences, creation of intercultural-virtual-community out of 4 non-formal networks of learning and innovative inter-connection between world of youth work and employment etc.
The features of the project include following characteristics: framework of MOOC, usage of OER, adapted KOLB learning cycle to e-learning rules and products of the project such as e-books and e-games for open use.
The project will consist of 5 partners from 4 countries and will result in development of 4 innovative online course for 4 positions in youth work
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Objectives of the Courses
To develop online course for the project managers in E+ Projects
To develop online course for the mentors in EVS
To develop online course for the youth leaders in youth exchanges
To develop online course for the youth leaders in youth exchanges
To create four non-formal networks - communities of practises
This material has been created with the financial support of the European Commission. The contents of this material represent the exclusive responsibility of its authors and the National Agency or the European Commission are not responsible for the way that the contents of this information will be used.